Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Navy SEAL Challenge Program: Video Blog # 5


  1. Hello,
    I found you on YouTube. I'm an write articles, blogs and create free websites and thought to myself to create a YouTube channel for singles. While searching I came across your channel and of course subscribed. Great channel, great videos and look forward to watching you grow online.

  2. What would you recommend for prep for hell week? Did you make it through hell week? Should I start building up just like I do with pull ups? Right now, when I can, Saturday-Sunday I don't sleep. I'm going to keep adding to it until its routine for me to go without sleep for 3 days. Do you think this would help me have a better chance to be in the 20 percent or less that make it through the program? BTW I can already pass the requirements and then some, my concern is not making it in, but making it through. Thanks!
